
☞ noxoc.de – Set up a new Drupal site from the command-line with git and drush

Nils Riedemann:

Today I had to create a new Drupal installation and it has been a while that I had to create Drupal installation from scratch. So I thought about writing up this guide for future reference and find a way to create a complete new Drupal install entirely from the command-line to get as fast as possible to a state where I actually start working.

Hatte das mit Drush schon mal irgendwo aufgeschnappt. (Eins der Dinge die ich für Contao gerne hätte.) Ziemlich coole Sache jedenfalls und hier nochmal kurz und knapp erklärt.

noxoc.de – Set up a new Drupal site from the command-line with git and drush